Kitchen Sink Smells Like Sewage – What to Do

If your kitchen sink smells like sewage, don’t worry – you’re not alone! This is a common problem that many people experience. There are several reasons why your kitchen sink might smell, and fortunately there are also several solutions. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of a smelly kitchen sink and how to fix them.

Common Causes of a Smelly Kitchen Sink

The plumbing in your house is designed to contain harmful gases, flush away sewage, and provide you with clean and potable water. When something goes wrong and your kitchen sink smells like sewage, it can be a sign that one of these systems is not working properly.

There are several things you can do to try and fix the problem on your own, but if those don’t work or if you’re uncomfortable doing them yourself, it’s time to call in a professional.

Here are some of the most common causes of a smelly kitchen sink and what you can do about them:

  • Clogged Drain

A clogged drain is one of the most common reasons for a smelly kitchen sink. If water isn’t able to flow freely down the drain, it will start to back up and smell bad. To try to clear the clog yourself, use a plunger or a plumbing snake. If those don’t work, you may need to call in a professional.

  • Leaky Faucet

A leaky faucet can also cause your kitchen sink to smell bad. If water is constantly dripping into the sink, it will create an environment where bacteria can grow and thrive. To fix a leaky faucet, you may need to replace the washer or the entire faucet head.

  • Dirty Sink

A dirty sink can also cause your kitchen sink to smell bad. When dishes are piled up in the sink for too long, food particles and grease can start to build up and decompose, creating an unpleasant odor. To keep your kitchen smelling fresh, make sure to clean your sink regularly.

  • Broken Pipe

If your kitchen sink smells like sewage and you can’t find the source of the problem, it may be a sign that there is a broken pipe somewhere in your plumbing system. This is a job for a professional plumber, so if you suspect that this is the cause of your smelly sink, call one in right away.

By troubleshooting the problem and taking corrective action, you should be able to get your kitchen sink smelling fresh once again. If none of these tips work or if you’re uncomfortable trying them yourself, don’t hesitate to call in a professional plumber for help.

Eliminate Kitchen Sink Odor

The kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest places in your house. This is because it’s where you wash all of your dishes, and food particles from those dishes can get stuck to the sides of the sink or washed down into its drain. Over time, this buildup can cause an unpleasant odor that makes washing dishes less enjoyable. To keep your kitchen smelling fresh, here are some tips for getting rid of smelly sinks:

  • Clean out food particles from any cracks and crevices around your faucet with a toothpick or cotton swab dipped in vinegar; wipe dry with paper towel before replacing water filter when necessary (do not use bleach). You should also clean up spills immediately after they so there isn’t any lingering odor.
  • Rinse dishes thoroughly before putting them in the sink to wash; this will prevent food particles from getting stuck on your faucet or in its drain which can cause a bad smell over time. You should also avoid leaving dirty dishes sitting around for too long because they’ll only attract more odors into your kitchen!
  • Use baking soda and hot water as an alternative way of cleaning out those hard-to-reach places where grime might accumulate (i.e., under countertops). Wipe dry with paper towel when necessary (do not use bleach). This method works best after soaking overnight but may require several repetitions depending upon how much buildup there is.
  • Replace water filter when necessary.
  • Soak overnight with baking soda and hot water if needed.
  • Clean up spills immediately.
  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes sitting around for too long.
  • Use a toothpick or cotton swab dipped in vinegar to clean out food particles from cracks and crevices around your faucet; wipe dry with paper towel before replacing water filter when necessary (do not use bleach).
  • Clean under countertops with baking soda and hot water as an alternative way of cleaning out those hard-to-reach places where grime might accumulate (i.e., under countertops). Wipe dry with paper towel when necessary (do not use bleach). This method works best after soaking overnight but may require several repetitions depending upon how much buildup there is.
Plumbing New Orleans


Take Care!

Thanks for sticking with us! We know this was a smelly topic, but hopefully you now have all the information you need to take care of the problem. If your kitchen sink still smells bad, please comment below and let us know what solutions have worked for you. We would love to hear from you!